Constitution of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
Article 1: The National Council of Resistance has been formed to overthrow the Khomeini regime and to establish the Provisional Government.
Article 2: Until the formation of the National Legislative and Constituent Assembly and declaration of its readiness to assume its responsibilities, this Council will undertake temporary duties of the state’s legislation and supervision of the administration of the country’s affairs.
Article 3: Every personality or political current (whose membership of the Council is accepted) is entitled to one vote.
Article 4: The Council’s decisions are reached through a simple majority of members present during the session.
Article 5: Acceptance to the Council of any member requires the applicant’s undertaking of the program of the Council and the Provisional Government, of the Provisional Government’s urgent tasks, and of other ratifications by the Council. It must be accompanied by the written application for membership of the applicant and be presented to the president of the NCRI. This application will be set forth in the earliest sitting of the Council, and provided its acceptance is approved (in accordance with article 4 laid above) the applicant will be considered as a Member of the Council thereafter.
Article 6: All members of the Council and the Provisional Government must comply with the decisions made by the Council.
Article 7: The responsibilities to form the Provisional Government and to appoint the cabinet ministers is entrusted upon Mr. Massoud Rajavi, who is representative of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran. This government will act in accordance with the program and the immediate tasks assigned to the Provisional Government and in accordance with the Council’s future ratification.
Article 8: Within the framework of the Council’s ratification, the right to question and to interpolate the Provisional Government, or any of its members, is reserved for every member of the Council.
Article 9: Personality members of the Council attend the Council’s session in person. They may not send representatives or deputies instead.
Article 10: The expenses of the Council are met by means of membership fees and voluntary donations made by those who wish to see a free and independent Iran. With the agreement of each member, the President of the NCRI will determine the amount of financial contribution each member undertakes to provide. He will submit fiscal reports to the Council.