Iran News in Brief – January 25, 2023

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Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 132

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Wednesday, January 25, 2023 – 8 PM GMT + 1

Iran’s nationwide uprising marked its 132nd day today, Wednesday, as different sectors of Iran’s society continued to take to the streets to voice their demands as the country’s economic status remains in a nosedive crisis.

The Iranian capital Tehran also witnessed people in different areas chanting anti-regime slogans at night in a sign that popular sentiment against the ruling dictatorship is deep-rooted and continuing

MEK-affiliated Resistance Units inside Iran launched a series of 17 different activities against the mullahs’ regime on Tuesday, January 24, in cities across the country. The targets were centers in Tehran and Eslamshahr used by the mullahs to promote the mullahs’ ideology of hatred, misogyny, and fundamentalism, IRGC paramilitary Basij bases in the cities of Qom, Karaj, Mashhad, Shiraz, Kerman, Hamedan, Qazvin, and Shush, torching posters of Khamenei and regime founder Ruhollah Khomeini in the cities of Saravan, Langarud, and Sarpole Zahab, and torching posters of former IRGC Quds Force chief Qassem Soleimani in the cities of Kashmar, Karaj, and Tehran.

Reports from Bandar Khomeini in Khuzestan Province in southwest Iran indicate that on Wednesday contract and official employees of a local petrochemical facility are on strike for the fourth consecutive day.

In Ahvaz, the capital of Khuzestan Province in southwest Iran, personnel of the city’s Khomeini Hospital held a protest gathering seeking their delayed pay checks and answers to their outstanding demands.

On Tuesday evening, locals in Tehran’s Punak, Shahran, and Narmak districts, the Molla Sadra area, and different neighborhoods in the western parts of the capital began chanting anti-regime slogans specifically targeting Khamenei and the mullahs’ entire apparatus. The slogans included:

“Death to Khamenei!”

“Death to the oppressor! Be it the Shah or [Khamenei]!”

“Death to the mullahs’ regime principle!”

“Death to the dictator!”

“Khamenei is a murderer! His rule is illegitimate!”

“We don’t want a child-killing regime!”

“Death to the IRGC!”

“Despite executions and prisons, we’re standing to the end!”


Australians Urged To Be Vigilant Against Continued Cyber Attacks From Iran’s Regime

Iranian Revolutionary Guard-affiliated actors have launched targeted cyber attacks on Australian organisations, with the aim of using the data obtained for extortion, a report tabled in parliament shows.

But the federal government won’t disclose information about whether it is considering listing the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) – the military arm of Iran’s government — as a terrorist organisation, or how much worth of assets and/or investments that people connected to the regime hold in Australia.

A federal parliamentary inquiry investigating recent human rights violations in Iran, which is due to hand down its report next week, heard evidence of reports of surveillance and abuse by the regime against Australian-Iranians who speak out against the Islamic Republic.

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EU Imposes New Sanctions on Iran Over Protest Crackdown

Brussels (AFP) – The EU on Monday placed 37 more Iranian officials and entities on an asset-freeze and visa-ban blacklist over Tehran’s bloody crackdown on protesters.

The bloc targeted the minister of sports and the command of the Revolutionary Guards in 12 regions of Iran in its fourth round of sanctions over the repression of demonstrators, the EU’s official journal said.

Hard-line lawmakers, senior state media officials and the head of the body setting the country’s strict “morality” rules were also added to the list.

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Tehran Has Amassed Enough Nuclear Material for Several Nuclear Weapons – IAEA Chief

Speaking about Iran’s recent atomic activities, including enriching uranium well past JCPOA-mandated limits towards a level needed for nuclear weapons, Grossi said: “That trajectory is certainly not a good one.”

As well as failing to explain to the IAEA radioactive traces found in locations that were not declared as nuclear sites, Iran’s growing stock of enriched uranium is of concern, he said.

“They have amassed enough nuclear material for several nuclear weapons — not one at this point,” he said, listing 70 kilograms of uranium enriched to 60 percent purity and 1,000 kilograms at 20 percent.

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Somali President Accuses Iran of Implementing ‘Subversive Agenda’ Through Humanitarian Efforts

Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud accused Iran of interfering in his country, at a time when the US military announced that it had killed two members of the extremist Al-Shabaab movement, in an airstrike on a remote area near Haratiri, 396 km northeast of Mogadishu.

Somali media quoted Sheikh Mahmoud as telling the Somali Scholars Conference on Tuesday that the country’s intelligence service monitored Iranian moves to spread Shiite ideologies during his first presidential term that ended in 2017.

The Somali president added that Iran was implementing a “subversive agenda” through relief efforts, pointing to the involvement of Iranian diplomats and officials of humanitarian organizations in the case.

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Lawyers of Detained Protester Armita Abbasi Resign 6 Days Before Her Trial

Mohammad Esmailbeigi announced in a tweet: “Given our request for a face-to-face meeting which has not been responded to until this moment, and the shortage of time that makes it impossible to adequately defend our client, Ms. Sonia Mohammadi and I declare our resignation from the defense of Ms. Armita Abbasi.”

106 days have passed since the arrest of Armita Abbasi. Her trial is scheduled for January 29, 2023. Previously, her trial was supposed to be held on the 26th, but this date has been postponed for three days.

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Kambiz Kharoot, Baluch Youth Sentenced to Death

Kambiz Kharoot, a 20-year-old Baluch citizen, is from Jam-e-Jam area of Zahedan. He was arrested during nationwide protests on September 31, 2022, by Iran’s Intelligence services and sentenced to death by the Judiciary.

Kambiz Kharoot was born on February 2, 2002. Meaning this year the young Baluch will be forced to spend his birthday alone behind bars and haunted by the death penalty. Kambiz Kharoot was arrested in his shop in Karimabad area of Zahedan. All charges against him have been obtained under torture and are not referable.

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Brussels—January 23, 2023: MEK Supporters Demonstrated and Demanding for Blacklisting the IRGC

Brussels, Belgium—January 23, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians, supporters of the Iranian Resistance (NCRI and MEK), demonstrated in front of the EU Council of Ministers and demanded to designate the IRGC as a terrorist organization. They also expressed solidarity with the nationwide Iran protests.

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Stockholm—January 23, 2023: MEK Supporters Rally in Front of the Swedish Court, Seeking Justice for the 1988 Massacre Victims

Stockholm, Sweden—January 23, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians, and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) held a rally on the fifth day of the appeal trial of the executioner Hamid Noury in front of the court. They are seeking justice for more than 30,000 martyrs of the 1988 massacre.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – January 24, 2023

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