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HomeIran News NowIranian Resistance Unmasks Regime’s Judiciary’s Classified Documents – No. 5

Iranian Resistance Unmasks Regime’s Judiciary’s Classified Documents – No. 5


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According to the Prisons’ Organizations, 5,197 people are on death row or convicted of Qisas (retribution)

107 prisoners are sentenced to amputation, 51 were sentenced to stoning, and 60 death row prisoners were under the age of 18 at the time of the alleged offense in 2020

Attached is the list of names of 5,370 prisoners sentenced to death and retribution in the clerical regime’s prisons, including numerous cases of placing political cases among ordinary crimes

  • Currently, there are more than 48,000 “undecided” detainees in the “investigation phase” by agencies including the State Security Force (SSF) and the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS).
  • An example of the “necessary sensitivities” that the clerical regime’s Prison Organization must take into account: “Extensive and targeted propaganda regarding protest movements in Iranian prisons, including the case of ward 350 of Evin Detention Center.”
  • 5,398 “foreign national” prisoners.

Document No. 1 (Prisons Organization):

Based on this document, entitled “Some causes of insecurity in prisons” a total of 5,197 prisoners are on death row or sentenced to Qisas (retribution in kind), including 1,366 with death sentences, 39 of whom are women; and 3,831 prisoners sentenced to Qisas, 144 of whom are women. The number of prisoners with sentences of more than 15 years is 17,190. There are 5,398 “foreign nationals” in prison.


Translation of doc.1:

Title: Some Causes of Insecurity in Prisons

Right column: Lack of funding in prisons> Lack of smart electronic control systems and physical inspection equipment (body scanner) to prevent drugs from entering prisons> Worn-out prisons within the urban area

Central column: Detainees with temporary detention: 11,807 prisoners> Foreign nationals: 5398 prisoners> Lack of detention centers in some cities of the country and problems with deployment and expulsion

Left column: Prisoners with sentences above 15 years imprisonment: 17,190 people> Death sentences: 1,366 prisoners with death sentences, of which 39 are female prisoners>
Prisoners sentenced to Qisas (retribution): 3,831 prisoners with Qisas sentences, of which 144 are female prisoners


Document No. 2: The number of prisoners, not including the SSF, the MOIS, the IRGC, or the Military’s detention centers, is currently 210,423. According to the following document, 23% of the prisoners of the Prisons Organization, which number more than 48,000, are kept as “undecided,” which is “mainly due to the judicial process in the investigation stage, which includes agencies such as SSF, MOIS, etc.”

Statistics on the general judicial status of prisoners
Gender Undecided Convicted with open sentence Convicted Total
Female 1,706 211 4,226 6,143
Male 46,853 13,042 14,4385 20,4280
Total 48,559 13,253 148,611 210,423



Document No. 3: One of the “necessary sensitivities” in the clerical regime’s judiciary is to pay attention to Extensive and targeted propaganda regarding protest movements in Iranian prisons, including the case of ward 350 of Evin Detention Center.” In his message, dated June 2014, Mr. Massoud Rajavi, Leader of the Iranian Resistance, had referred to this ward as the “Resistance Unit #350,” and highlighted the execution of GholamReza Khosravi, as the most defiant political prisoner in this ward. Khosravi, an MEK supporter and a symbol of perseverance, was sentenced to death for providing financial support to the Iranian Resistance TV. He was hanged on June 1, 2014.


  • manipulating prison news to portray the Islamic Republic of Iran as a human rights violator
  • Announcement of daily statistics of executions in Iranian prisons in international forums to discredit the country’s judicial system
  • Production of footage, news, and interviews with prisoners, bearing in mind the development of (new technics) by media outlets that are hostile to the Islamic Republic of Iran
  • Extensive and targeted propaganda regarding protest movements in Iranian prisons, including the case in Ward 350 of Evin Detention Center

Document No. 4: The “highly confidential” document dated July 10, 2020, includes the names of 107 prisoners sentenced to amputation. The document of these brutal, inhuman, and abhorrent punishments is attached. 77 of these punishments are related to petty thefts and robberies, the details of which are not written in the document. These punishments are imposed at a time when the actual thieves and plunderers of the Iranian people’s wealth and resources, i.e., the officials of the clerical regime, have complete freedom of action.

Document No. 5: The “Very Confidential” document, attached, lists the names of 51 people sentenced to stoning in September 2020, at least 23 of whom are women. In this document, the names of individuals and their alleged crimes are deliberately masked by the Security and Counterterrorism Committee of NCRI.

Document No. 6: The “Very Confidential” document, dated October 2020, provides the provincial statistics of 60 juveniles sentenced to death or Qisas, who were under the age of 18 at the time of their arrest. The document, inclusive of a list of names and alleged offenses, is available and can be submitted to international courts, but the commission refused to publish and disclose the names and details of the alleged crimes.

The provincial statistics of 60 juveniles sentenced to death or Qisas

Documents No. 7 and 8: The documents, dated September 26, 2020, include the list of 3,802 prisoners sentenced to Qisas, and 1,568 prisoners sentenced to death (5,370 in total) in the regime’s prisons, which includes numerous cases of political charges, mixed with ordinary crimes. The documents are attached, however, there is no further information as to why some of these verdicts have not been implemented yet.

List of prisoners on death row (left). List of Prisoners convicted to Qisas (right)
The list of 3,802 prisoners sentenced to Qisas, and 1,568 prisoners sentenced to death

Noting the expansion of crimes in the society under the mullahs’ rule, last February, in his remarks about the horrific and indescribable tragedy of beheading a young woman in Ahvaz, Massoud Rajavi, Chairman of the National Council of Resistance of Iran told, “Iranian compatriots, who were dismayed and embittered by the beheading of a young woman in Ahvaz,” that “In the final analysis, (such heinous crimes) must be attributed to the inhuman and misogynistic clerical regime, which is the source of such complexes at this period of our history.” He added: “The source of all corruption in our time is Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the regime.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

Security and Counterterrorism Committee

May 16, 2022