Friday, July 26, 2024
The Mullahs’ Misogynous Regime Is Preparing Further Clampdown on Iran’s Women and Youths Under the Pretext of Improper Veiling

Gathering and Protest of Women Political Prisoners in Evin Prison’s Women’s Ward

Against the Death Sentence of Political Prisoner Pakhshan Azizi On Wednesday, July 24, political prisoners in the women's ward of Evin Prison staged a protest...
The Mullahs’ Misogynous Regime Is Preparing Further Clampdown on Iran’s Women and Youths Under the Pretext of Improper Veiling

Execution of 4 Female Prisoners in Birjand and Shiraz Prisons in Iran

In the early hours of Tuesday, July 23, the executioners of the criminal and misogynistic clerical regime executed three female prisoners in Birjand prison. On...

Call to Condemn the “Baghi” Verdict Against Sharifeh Mohammadi and Urgent Action for Her...

According to media reports, Sharifeh Mohammadi, a political prisoner and labor activist from the "Free Union of Iranian Workers" in Lakan Prison in Rasht,...

Iranian Regime Judiciary Seeks to Seize Assets of Maryam Akbari Monfared and Family

The Iranian Regime Judiciary Launches a New Case to Seize the Assets of Maryam Akbari Monfared and Her Family, in Revenge for Seeking Justice...

World’s Record Holder for Executing Women Has Executed Three Women in Three Days in...

The clerical regime’s Judiciary has executed six women in less than one month Today, May 18, 2024, the mullahs’ misogynistic regime hanged a 53-year-old woman,...
Nika Shakarami min

NCRI Calls for International Investigation of Nika Shakarami’s Sexual Assault and Murder by IRGC...

Khamenei's IRGC Members Sexually Assaulted and Atrociously Murdered Nika Shakarami, 16, during the 2022 Iran Uprising  The NCRI Women’s Committee strongly Condemns this Crime Against...

Iran’s Regime Intensifies Women’s Suppression Amid Uprising Fears

Iran: Suppressing women brutally under the guise of combating improper veiling to forestall any potential uprising The Women's Committee of the National Council of Resistance...

NCRI Women’s Committee Urges Iranians to Resist New Wave of Repression

Women, Resistance, Freedom   Call by the NCRI Women's Committee to the women and men of Iran to stand up against the new round of repression...

NCRI Women’s Committee Condemns Conviction of 11 Political Prisoners, Calls for Probe into Sara...

NCRI Women's Committee Condemns the Conviction of 11 Political Prisoners, Including 10 Women, to Long Prison Terms, and Calls for An Investigation into the Suspicious...

The NCRI Women’s Committee Strongly Condemns Participation of the Representative of the Mullahs’ Misogynist...

The NCRI Women’s Committee strongly condemns Ensieh KhazAli’s trip to New York and her participation in the 68th session of the UN Commission on the...