Friday, July 26, 2024
The Mullahs’ Misogynous Regime Is Preparing Further Clampdown on Iran’s Women and Youths Under the Pretext of Improper Veiling

Gathering and Protest of Women Political Prisoners in Evin Prison’s Women’s Ward

Against the Death Sentence of Political Prisoner Pakhshan Azizi On Wednesday, July 24, political prisoners in the women's ward of Evin Prison staged a protest...

Sunni Political Prisoner Kamran Sheikheh Executed After 15 Years in Iran

Execution of Kamran Sheikheh, Sunni political prisoner, after 15 years in prison. Previously, 6 of his co-defendants had been executed. 23 executions in one week;...

Closure Of Regime Centers In Germany Is A Belated But Necessary Action

Closure of regime centers in Germany is a belated but necessary action against terrorism and religious fundamentalism that should be completed by designating the...
The Mullahs’ Misogynous Regime Is Preparing Further Clampdown on Iran’s Women and Youths Under the Pretext of Improper Veiling

Execution of 4 Female Prisoners in Birjand and Shiraz Prisons in Iran

In the early hours of Tuesday, July 23, the executioners of the criminal and misogynistic clerical regime executed three female prisoners in Birjand prison. On...

Iran: 18 Executions in 4 Days: 7 Prisoners, including 3 Women, Calling for Urgent...

18 executions in four days, 7 prisoners including 3 women, and 10 prisoners transferred to solitary confinement for execution International appeal for immediate action to...

Execution of 9 Prisoners, Including a Woman, in Iran; Urgent International Call to Save...

Execution of 9 prisoners, including a woman, in Ghezel Hesar, Adel Abad, and Lakan prisons International call for urgent action to save the lives of...

Iranian Political Prisoner Edris Jamshidzehi Executed After 7 Years of Torture

Execution of political prisoner Edris Jamshidzehi, a Baluch  compatriot, after 7 years of imprisonment and torture Urgent call to action for the release of political...

Clerical Regime Agents Assault Vehicle of Iranian Resistance-affiliated Artist

Assault on Resistance Artist Ms. Gisoo Shakeri's Vehicle by Agents of the Clerical Regime's Intelligence Service On July 9, 2024, operatives and mercenaries affiliated with...

Abuses in Iranian Prisons: Beatings, Starvation, and Deprivation of Basic Hygiene Needs

Severe Conditions in Ghezel Hesar Prison: Lack of Water, Extreme Heat, and Medical Neglect Urgent Call for a Fact-Finding Mission to Iranian Prisons and the...

Iran’s Sham Election: Khamenei Is the Strategic Loser of This Electoral Charade

At a major summit of Iranians, Mrs. Rajavi commented on Pezeshkian: When asked about his policies, he said “Khamenei sets all plans and policies, and...