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Iran: People’s Uprising in Zahedan Despite Repressive Measures and Deceptive Maneuvers of Mullahs


NCRI logoBrutal attack of the repressive forces and injuring of dozens of people, including children, and the widespread arrest of demonstrators

Today, on October 20, the brave people of Zahedan, in defiance of the repressive measures taken by the mullahs, once again staged protests after Friday prayers against the tyranny and crimes of the regime in Baluchistan. They chanted slogans such as: “We swear by the blood of our comrades, we stand until the end,” “Political prisoners must be freed,” “My brother, I will avenge your blood,” “Death to the Basiji,” “Basijis are IRGC you are our ISIS.”

Protesters carried banners that read: “Target the snake’s head of the regime in Tehran,” “Baluchistan! No surrender to the Shah and the Sheikh,” “Zahedan will not remain silent in the face of the Shah and the Sheikh.”

The repressive forces, who had besieged the areas around the Makki Mosque and the prayer location in Zahedan since Friday morning, violently attacked the demonstrators with gunfire and tear gas. They blocked the streets of Khayyam, Modarres, Tohid, Modarres, and Khormashahr and surrounded numerous people inside the Makki Mosque, subjecting them to beatings and arrests. Dozens of protesters, including children, were injured. IRGC and the SSF agents, after identifying the protesters through yellow paint markings, arrested them and transported them to prison using the vehicles stationed on the surrounding streets. People clashed with the mercenaries, chanting slogans like “Do not be afraid, we are all together” and “Shameless, shameless.”

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), extends her greetings to the brave people of Zahedan and the brave Baluch youth who, despite repressive measures, once again engaged in protests and confronted the brutal forces. She emphasized that today’s uprising in Zahedan demonstrates that the people of Iran are determined to overthrow the regime of the mullahs.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

October 20, 2023