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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ResistanceIran: Intensification of Pressure on 70-Year-Old Political Prisoner Ali Moezi in Evin’s...

Iran: Intensification of Pressure on 70-Year-Old Political Prisoner Ali Moezi in Evin’s 4th Ward and the Prevention of His Access to Medical Care at the Hospital

Ali Moezi Evin Prison

NCRI logoThe oppressive regime of the mullahs has escalated pressure on the political prisoner Ali Moezi, confined in Evin prison’s 4th ward, obstructing his medical treatment, and barring him from accessing the hospital. The authorities have imposed a condition for his transfer to the hospital, demanding he wear prison clothes—an unacceptable demand that he, as a political prisoner, refuses to comply with.

Ali Moezi, 70, is a political prisoner from the 1980s who was imprisoned again in the 2000s and 2010s. He was most recently arrested during the uprising in September 2022. He has so far spent a total of 16 years in prison for supporting the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI-MEK).

Ali Moezi, in need of specialized medical care, had undergone cancer surgery just one month before his arrest in September 2022. Despite his ongoing recovery, he has been consistently denied access to a doctor, essential medical care, and the necessary medication ever since.

In Evin Prison, Ali Moezi confronts a series of baseless charges. On August 6, 2023, he appeared in court where Judge Salavati, fueled by anti-human anger and hatred, unjustly sentenced him to six years and three months in prison. The fabricated charges include “Upholding his beliefs,” “his children’s presence in Ashraf-3,” and “issuing a statement against the regime.” Salavati callously declared, “Welcome to Ward 209!”

The Iranian Resistance, emphasizing that the clerical regime and its leader Ali Khamenei are responsible for the life and health of Ali Moezi, has called on the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Iran and other human rights organizations and bodies to follow up on his medical condition and take urgent action to ensure his access to a hospital, a specialist doctor, and the necessary medication.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

December 23, 2023