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HomeStatementsStatements: Terrorism & FundamentalismIran: MP Reveals Regime Paid $20-30 Billion to Syria

Iran: MP Reveals Regime Paid $20-30 Billion to Syria

Iran: MP reveals regime paid of $20-30 billion to Syria
Falahatpisheh and Bashar al-Asad

NCRI-50-2Actual amount of the regime’s expenditures in Syria is far greater.

Iranian people demand the expulsion of mullahs from Syria and region, which is key to regional peace

In an unprecedented admission, Heshmatullah Falahatpisheh, the former Chairman and the current member of the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission of the regime parliament, said that the clerical regime had paid Syria up to $30 billion.

In an interview published on the state-run website, E’temad Online, on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, he said, “I went to Syria, some people said I made up some expenses, but I repeat, we may have given Syria $20 to $30 billion, and we have to take it back.” Falahatipishe traveled to Syria in December 2018, when he was the Parliament’s Security and Foreign Policy Commission Chairman and met with Bashar al-Assad.

The actual amount the clerical regime has spent out of the Iranian people’s pockets to keep Bashar al-Assad in power is far more significant. The money paid since 2018 should be added to this figure, so should the huge expenses of the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and it’s criminal proxy forces, numbering 100,000 in some instances and their weapons in Syria during the last nine years. Added to these is the free or extremely-cheap oil that has been shipped from Iran to Syrian ports over the past 40 years.

Falahatpisheh also revealed that “The average revenue from raising gasoline prices and selling the surplus  abroad is 200 million Tomans; we can give 200 billion a day to different provinces to solve their own problems.”

Falahatpisheh’s remarks additionally underscore the need to rid Syria and the region from the clerical regime and the IRGC. This is both the Iranian people’s desire and the key to preserving peace and tranquility in the region. The remarks also make is palpably clear that any money in the hands of the corrupt and medieval regime ruling Iran will either be looted or squandered on terrorism and warmongering and will have no impact on the Iranian people’s economic situation.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

May 22, 2020