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Iran: Mykonos Restaurant murder mastermind given official welcome by regime

Diplomatic sanctions must be imposed on mullahs’ regime
NCRI – Ali Baqeri, the mullahs’ deputy foreign minister for Europe and America, enthusiastically welcomed Kazem Darabi, a notorious terrorist implicated in the 1992 assassination of Iranian Kurdish dissidents in Mykonos Restaurant in Berlin at Tehran’s Khomeini International Airport, the official news agency IRNA reported on Tuesday.   

Welcoming an infamous terrorist by a senior foreign ministry official makes it abundantly clear that the regime is involved in terrorism in its entirety.

The Iranian Resistance reiterates the need for the imposition of diplomatic sanctions on the regime, which should include denying its officials visas to visit other countries. Welcoming the officials of the regime amounts to nothing more than welcoming terrorists.

Ten years ago, a German court ruled that the Iranian regime’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei, former president Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, and former foreign and intelligence ministers Ali Akbar Velayati and Ali Fallahian were responsible for the murder of Kurdish dissidents in Berlin.

The files on the assassinations of Iranian dissidents in various counties, including Turkey, Switzerland, Italy, France, and Austria show that the Iranian regime’s president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki and other high-ranking officials were directly involve in the murder of Iranian dissidents.

Moreover, the Interpol has issued international arrest warrants for a number of other regime officials for atrociticies committed in Argentina, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 12, 2007