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HomeIran News NowNews- Find what is going on In IranIran News: Protests Erupt Across Iran as Retirees and Homebuyers Demand Rights

Iran News: Protests Erupt Across Iran as Retirees and Homebuyers Demand Rights

May 26, 2024 – Protests erupted in several Iranian cities today as various groups voiced their demands for higher pensions and accountability from housing authorities. The demonstrations saw retirees from the steel industry, social security, and public sector unions rallying across Tehran, Isfahan, Kermanshah, Ahvaz, and Shahrekord.

In Tehran, the country’s capital, retirees of the steel industry held a protest rally in front of the Steel Retirement Fund, demanding higher pensions and other basic rights.

In Isfahan, steel industry retirees gathered in front of the Steel Retirement Fund to demand higher pensions and basic rights. Chanting slogans like “We will not stop until we get our rights,” the protesters highlighted the increasing cost of living as the primary reason for their demands.

Similarly, in Kermanshah, retirees from the Social Security Organization held a protest rally in front of the Social Security offices. Their chants included calls for the release of imprisoned teachers and labor activists, signaling a broader discontent with the regime’s treatment of dissenters. The slogans “Free imprisoned workers!” and “Free imprisoned teachers!” echoed through the gathering, emphasizing the solidarity among different labor groups.

Ahvaz saw a resurgence of steel industry retirees taking to the streets to reiterate their demands for pension adjustments in line with inflation. Their persistence underscored the ongoing struggle faced by retirees to secure adequate financial support.

In Shahrekord, central Iran, frustrated customers of the Maskan-e Melli housing company rallied in front of the governorate. These protesters have been waiting for their homes for years and voiced their frustration over the authorities’ lack of response and accountability.

The protests reflect a growing unrest among various sectors in Iran, fueled by economic hardships and government inaction. Despite efforts by the regime to suppress dissent, today’s widespread demonstrations underscore a persistent and widespread demand for economic justice and political freedoms.

Meanwhile, the PMOI Resistance Units continue their activities across Iran, advocating for regime change and the establishment of a democratic republic. Their calls for rejecting both the Shah regime and the current mullahs’ rule resonate with the protesters’ demands for systemic change.