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Iran’s Economic Woes Expose Raisi’s Failed Promises

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In the realm of politics, promises are currency, often used to secure power and appease the masses. However, when those promises fail to materialize, they serve as a glaring indictment of leadership. Iran, under the helm of the ruling theocracy and its illiterate president Ebrahim Raisi, finds itself entangled in a web of economic turmoil, exacerbated by the regime’s mismanagement and corruption.

Raisi, an unscrupulous mass murderer who came to power promising swift solutions to Iran’s economic woes, now finds himself the subject of ridicule as his grandiose pledges unravel in the face of reality. His orders to eradicate poverty within a mere fortnight or to stem the soaring prices have become nothing short of a farce, akin to attempting to halt a tsunami with a bucket.

The State-run Eghtesad-e Pouya Daily, in a scathing rebuke on April 13, highlighted Raisi’s penchant for dismissing valid concerns as mere “fabricated figures.”

“It’s not just the fluctuating dollar that affects a country’s economy; it’s also the weak performance of the government’s economic team,” the outlet wrote. “This has left people uncertain about whether to worry about their future or just the next hour. Recently, the president made stunning comments about inflation, suggesting that managing inflation leads to poverty, scarcity, and widening class gaps, ultimately harming the middle class.”

The source added, “A week later, the president, realizing the gravity of the situation, requests data on prices, acknowledging the pressing need to address the issue. But the people are exhausted and can no longer tolerate the burden of inflation.”

In other words, as the market grimly attests, these figures are not fabrications but a consequence of the regime’s own mismanagement. Raisi’s assertion that inflation is under control rings hollow when ordinary Iranians grapple with the harsh reality of dwindling purchasing power and skyrocketing prices.

While Raisi speaks of managing inflation, the crux of the matter lies in addressing the broader economic context, one marred by corruption and squandering of public wealth on warmongering and terrorism.

The State-run Arman-e Meli echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the detrimental impact of currency market fluctuations on inflation growth.

“Currency market fluctuations are considered one of the main drivers of inflation growth rates, a factor that Iran has never been immune to,” the outlet wrote on April 14. “The upward trend in prices follows the impact of inflation growth indicators in society, placing additional pressure on vulnerable groups. Among them, wage earners experience increasingly challenging conditions due to the daily erosion of purchasing power. However, the government claims that controlling inflation rates and economic stability in society is achievable without the need for wage and benefit increases.”

Rising prices, fueled by inflation indicators, have pushed vulnerable communities to the brink, with wage earners bearing the brunt of the economic onslaught.

“Experts highlight that the price surge is alarming, pushing more individuals from the middle class into the ranks of the vulnerable. Many struggle to afford even the most basic necessities, often forced to exclude essential items from their household budgets. Consequently, people’s primary concern nowadays revolves around securing the bare minimum for daily survival,” Arman-e Meli adds.

Furthermore, the state-run Kar-o Karegar daily exposed the government’s complicity in exacerbating the plight of ordinary Iranians.

“The government has left ordinary people and salary earners vulnerable, effectively leaving them defenseless in the face of rising costs,” Kar-o Karegar wrote on April 14, adding that “It has failed to acknowledge its role in diminishing the purchasing power of the country’s workers and wage earners, thereby accepting the economic repercussions of reducing their purchasing power and overall demand.”

By neglecting to address the diminishing purchasing power of workers and wage earners, the regime has effectively abandoned citizens to fend for themselves amidst rising costs. The government’s refusal to acknowledge its role in perpetuating economic inequality speaks volumes about its priorities or lack thereof.

While external factors undoubtedly contribute to Iran’s economic woes, it is the regime’s systemic corruption and mismanagement that lie at the heart of the crisis. The regime’s insatiable appetite for power and wealth has come at the expense of the Iranian people, plunging the nation into a state of perpetual uncertainty and unrest.

As economic turmoil grips the nation, public resentment toward the regime continues to swell. Raisi’s failed promises serve as a stark reminder of the regime’s incompetence and disregard for the well-being of Iranians. As Iranians have repeatedly said, “Poverty, corruption, and high prices; we continue until regime change,” indicating they consider the regime’s downfall as the ultimate solution to the country’s economic woes.