NCRI – Following the uprising of Azeri population in north western Iran, the Youth in Ardebil, torched a center known for its plundering of local people.
Ardabil’s mayor, Yaqoub Aziz-Zadeh said: "The city has lost over seven billion rials, equivalent of $765,000 during last Saturday’s riot where buildings and government properties were torched.
Damages were done to road signs, telephone boxes, traffic lights, ticket distributing stands, commuter buses and even rubbish bins throughout the city.
According to sources on the ground, the government cut off all cell phone communications in Ardebil for five days to prevent any news break out.
People in Jolfa and Hadi City joined the Ardebil uprising and clashed with the suppressive forces.
People in Tabriz, the provincial capital of Eastern Azarbaijan took part in a large demonstration to honor those killed last week during the uprising. They also clashed with the security forces.