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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – July 14, 2023

Iran News in Brief – July 14, 2023

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Iran: Pozzolo (FDI), ‘Tehran Is Not in a Position To Give Lessons to Anyone’

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Rome, 14 Jul. (Adnkronos) – “The Foreign Ministry of the Islamic Republic of Iran condemns the initiative organized by me and Senator Giulio Terzi to host Maryam Rajavi, the leader of the Iranian patriotic resistance, in Rome. The Islamic Republic of Iran is not in a position to give lessons of any kind to anyone.”

This was stated by Emanuele Pozzolo, deputy of Fratelli d’Italia and member of the Foreign Affairs Committee.

“A totalitarian regime like that of the ayatollahs, which kills a political dissident every five hours and supports numerous international terrorist groups, must not allow itself to explain to the parliamentarians of the Italian Republic who they should or should not invite, host or support”, he concludes.

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Iran: Di Giuseppe (FDI), ‘With Rajavi Out of Respect for Human Rights’

affaritaliani logoRome, 14 Jul. (Adnkronos) – “I am one of the parliamentarians who met Maryam Rajavi, leader of a movement that fights for the freedom of Iranians who, today, during a meeting with our ambassador Giuseppe Perrone, the director for European Affairs at the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tehran called ‘terrorist’. Italy knows terrorism well, and has fought it, and defeated it. Mrs. Rajavi fights for human rights to be respected in her country and to stop violence against citizens who demand freedom and an end to discrimination against women”.

This is how Andrea Di Giuseppe, the only deputy of Fratelli d’Italia elected abroad, commented on the invitation made by Tehran to our government ‘to avoid turning the country into a refuge for terrorists’.”

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Former Official Warns Against Raisi’s Policies

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Gholamali Rajaee, the advisor to former regime’s President Hashemi Rafsanjani, slammed Ebrahim Raisi for leading the country toward a misery state.

In an interview with the state-affiliated website Roozdar24, he stated, “From the beginning, we said that someone who has been the head of one branch of power cannot necessarily have successful and positive performance in another branch. It takes a long time for someone who hasn’t been part of the executive structure to become familiar with the government’s structure, make decisions, understand foreign relations, and then adjust them. On the other hand, his managers are doing a poor job.”

“We have reached a point where oil is being exchanged for food. Our neighboring countries are not even giving us our money, and we are selling our oil to countries like China at high discounts. Naturally, a president who comes to power with the minimum vote creates an inefficient cabinet. In the past, I also said that Raisi should announce the end of his government. I really don’t know what other disasters need to befall the country and the economy for the president to be questioned?”


Raisi’s Economic Initiatives Have Failed, State-affiliated Economist Says

mehdi pazuki dideban

According to state media reports, economic analyses indicate that the removal of preferential currency exchange rates has not only failed to have a positive impact on reducing inflation and increasing people’s purchasing power but has also put the economy in a chaotic situation. Reports highlight the poor state of the drug market and the continuous increase in the prices of essential food items, which has made it difficult for people to afford basic necessities.

Mehdi Pazouki, a state-affiliated economist told Dideban-e-Iran website on July 12: “Our banking system is in need of transformation and technology; we have lagged behind the world in banking for forty years because we have not accepted international regulations such as the FATF. No second or third-tier European bank is willing to collaborate with us.”

“Price hikes undoubtedly increase people’s dissatisfaction. This administration, which used to criticize the previous government, has acted even worse. Iranian Grade A rice used to cost 35,000 tomans per kilogram, but now the same rice is being sold for 130,000 tomans. A 5-kilogram bottle of cooking oil used to cost 90,000 tomans, but now it is being sold for over 300,000 tomans. All of these are happening under the same government.”

Iranians Sell Kidneys on Instagram To Survive Economic Hardship


Iran’s crumbling economy has pushed many to drastic measures to make ends meet, with increasing numbers of people selling body parts to survive. On a well-known street near Tehran’s Valiasr Square, walls are littered with signs advertising organs for sale, with sellers listing their blood type, age and phone number next to listings for livers, kidneys and corneas. Keyhan, 39, said he “can’t count” how many people have contacted him to buy his kidney, which he has advertised on Twitter, Instagram and Telegram, where some organ-selling channels have tens of thousands of subscribers. The former construction worker said he has been unable to make ends meet since losing money in a construction deal involving fake land plots.

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Maryam Rajavi Addresses the Italian Chamber of Representatives

Maryam rajavi italy

NCRI President-elect Maryam Rajavi’s speech: “Honorable Senators and Representatives,
On behalf of the Iranian protesters striving for freedom and democracy, I would like to express my deep appreciation to the esteemed members of both chambers of the Italian Parliament and extend my heartfelt greetings to the great nation of Italy. First and foremost, allow me to express my gratitude for the declarations of the majority of members in the Italian Chamber of Representatives and the Senate who have voiced support for the Iranian people’s uprising for a democratic republic and embraced the Ten-Point Plan of the Iranian Resistance. It is noteworthy that this declaration enjoys the backing of 3,600 lawmakers, including a significant majority from the French National Assembly, both chambers of the British Parliament, the majority members of the US House of Representatives, 120 former presidents and prime ministers, and 70 Nobel laureates.

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In Rome, the Leader of the Mujahideen, Iran Summons the Italian Ambassador

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A meeting organized by the liberals of the Luigi Einaudi Foundation in Rome generated a diplomatic incident with Iran, which summoned the Italian ambassador to Tehran to protest. At the center of the meeting, and of the ongoing clash, there was Maryam Rajavi, leader of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, received with all honors by the president of the Commission for European Union policies of the Senate, the former minister Giulio Terzi di Sant’Agata, together with the secretary general of the Federation, Andrea Cangini.

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Iran Is Ready for Change

Maryam Rajavi's speech

At the Free Iran 2023 World Summit, Ivan Stefanec, a member of the European Parliament from Slovakia, said, “I do believe that for changes, there are three conditions: leadership, plan, and people. We have great leadership of madame Rajavi, yourself, we have ten point planned and we have a lot of people who have freedom at the bottom of their hearts. So, I do believe that change is coming. Long live free Iran. We stand by you all in the European Parliament.”

In this very short statement, Stefanec summarized the conditions of Iran, the prospects for change, and the reason behind the growing support for the Iranian Resistance. It is worth examining these closely related conditions a bit more closely.

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Demystifying Propaganda Against the Iranian Resistance – The Battle of Truth

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Khomeini, Iran regime’s founder and now Ali Khamenei the regime’s supreme leader attempted to eradicate the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) from Iran’s political landscape using a vast and extensive security and intelligence apparatus, as well as repressive structures. This elimination was carried out with utmost brutality, employing the most violent methods. They resorted to various forms of torture and death, ranging from killings at the point of arrest, confining individuals in cages, and even placing them in coffins. These acts were so brutal that Hussein-Ali Montazeri Khomeini’s successor once sent the following message to regime officials: “The Mojahedin represents a way of thinking and understanding. Logic is their language, and flawed logic should be met with sound logic. Killing does not resolve the issue; it only exacerbates it.”

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Can Khamenei Avoid Being Overthrown in 2023?

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First, there is no doubt that the only leverage and support of Khamenei is suppression. However, the regime has reached a dead-end in suppression, as, after each uprising, the regime’s suppression and massacre have fueled the flames of uprisings and proven the legitimacy of the revolutionary solution. Second, despite sacrificing more than 550,000 of our compatriots to COVID-19, the regime could not prevent the last year’s uprising. Third, in last year’s uprising, the regime killed at least 750 people and arrested more than 30,000, and now it has turned into a wave of executions, but this suppression will only further fuel public anger and lead to another fiery uprising.

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Fatemeh Yousefi, Another Miserable Victim of Executions in Iran

Fatemeh Yousefi execution of women in Iran

The Iranian judiciary authorities sent another woman to her death at dawn this morning, Wednesday, July 12, 2023. Fatemeh Yousefi was hanged at Gohardasht Prison (aka Rajaiishahr) in Karaj for “deliberate murder.”

Fatemeh Yousefi and another woman were transferred from Qarchak Prison to Gohardasht yesterday and put in solitary confinement to prepare them for carrying out their verdict. The other woman is said to be returned to her ward. The execution of Fatemeh Yousefi has not yet been announced by the state media in Iran.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – July 13, 2023