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HomeStatementsIran Election 2021: Reports by Simay-E Azadi Reporters, Show a Sparse Turnout

Iran Election 2021: Reports by Simay-E Azadi Reporters, Show a Sparse Turnout


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710 Reports by Simay-E Azadi Reporters From 323 Cities

and 2,100 Clips From Thousands of Polling Stations, Except Those Stage-Managed for Reporters, Show a Sparse Turnout

Iran Election – No. 5

Based on reports by 710 Simay-e Azadi TV reporters from 323 cities and 2,100 video clips, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced this afternoon that by 6:00 pm Tehran time, the turnout in the mullahs’ election farce had been sparse, except for polling stations stage-managed for foreign journalists in Tehran and city centers.

State Security and Intelligence agents arrested several citizens and several Simay-e Azadi reporters who were taking photos and videos and deleted the material from their cell phones. Taking videos and photos is forbidden in many places.

Buying votes outside the polling stations were commonplace. Even the ordinary prisoners were told they would be rewarded with three days’ leave for voting.

As of 2:00 pm local time, only 27 people had voted at Masjid al-Nabi polling station on Khomeini Street in Tehran, and the turnout was one-tenth of the previous election. One thousand ballots were sent to this mosque.   According to reports from the election headquarters of Tehran’s 15th district in Khorasan Square, one of the busiest districts in Tehran with 169 polling stations, only 8,000 had voted six hours after the polls opened. This means that an average of 47 people voted in each polling station. At Saheb-al-Zaman Mosque, in Tehran’s 10th District Tehran (Nawab-Azadi),  only 30 votes were cast in the first four hours, 15 of which were cast by the polling station staff. At the Velayat-e-Faqih school polling station on 15 Khordad St., Pamanar St., 37 people voted in the first six hours; some were the polling station staff.

In Ahvaz, in Kianpars’s Falakeh Sevom, workers were each paid 50,000 rials to vote. In Chamkhaleh Langrud, each vote was bought for between two and 2.5 million rials. Out-of-town people were brought in from the surrounding cities, especially Tazehabad and Amlash. There was a minder for every 10 people to make sure they would vote for Ebrahim Raisi.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

June 18, 2021
