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HomeIran Human RightsStop executions in IranIranian Resistance Strongly Condemns Death Sentence of Habib Chaab

Iranian Resistance Strongly Condemns Death Sentence of Habib Chaab

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Call for immediate action by Swedish government, European Union, United Nations to save his life

The Iranian Resistance strongly condemns the death sentence handed down by the regime’s judiciary against Habib Farajollah Chaab, an Arab ethnic minority member who was transferred to Iran two and a half years ago in a kidnapping operation. Immediate action by the Swedish government, as he is a Swedish citizen, as well as action by the European Union and human rights organizations to save his life and secure his release, are essential.

According to the state-run Mizan website, on March 12, the public relations of the mullahs’ High Court announced today that “Chaab’s death sentence is confirmed, final and conclusive”. In November 2020, he was kidnapped from Turkey in retaliation for the Ahvaz parade operation on September 22, 2018, and was taken to Tehran.

On November 1, 2020, the Iranian Resistance issued a statement strongly condemning the kidnapping and obvious criminal act against Mr. Chaab, regardless of his political position and the group he is affiliated with, as an infringement of international law and called upon the United Nations, the European Union, and the Swedish government to urgently intervene and facilitate his safe return. The statement further added that any form of facilitation for the abduction of Iranian refugees and opponents of the Iranian regime, and their subsequent repatriation to Iran by other countries, particularly those neighboring Iran, is unacceptable and despicable.

The Iranian resistance reiterates that the leaders of the Iranian regime must be brought to justice for the kidnappings and numerous assassinations in Turkey and European countries.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

Mars 12, 2023