Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, welcomed the adoption of fifty-ninth resolution by the United Nations condemning violations of human rights in Iran. The resolution was adopted by the UN General Assembly Third Committee on Tuesday.
Mrs. Rajavi said that the adoption of the resolution, highlighting only a portion of the crimes committed by the clerical regime in Iran, underlines the need to refer this regime’s human rights record to the UN Security Council, to implement comprehensive sanctions against the regime and to put its leaders on trial.
Mrs. Rajavi added that at a time when the Iranian regime, in facing growing internal and international crises and isolations, is intensifying suppression, torture and murder to unprecedented levels, mere adoption of censure resolution does not suffice. The clerical regime should be held accountable and should be isolated from the international community. Such move will send a strong and effective message to the ruling religious fascism on the one hand and to its victims and to Iranian people on the other that the international community has put an end to silence and inaction vis-à-vis this dictatorship.
Mrs. Rajavi thanked the countries and all parties that contributed to the adoption of the resolution. She also warned all parties who try to cover up this regime’s violations of human rights and those who oppose condemnations of its crimes, that the clerical regime is devoid of any future and any political and economic investment on the regime is doomed to fail and would only result in damages to them.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 27, 2012