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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestIran: Protest gathering of thousands from across the country at Cyrus' tomb

Iran: Protest gathering of thousands from across the country at Cyrus’ tomb


NCRI – Today’s morning, Friday, October 28, thousands of people of various cities demonstrated on the occasion of the birthday of Cyrus the Great at his tomb in Pasargad in protest at the mullahs’ regime’s anti-national and anti-Iranian policies.

Demonstrators chanted, “freedom of thought, impossible with the mullahs” , “Iran is our homeland, Cyrus is our father”, “mullahs’ regime, only oppression, only war”, ….

Since days ago the regime had resorted to various measures in fear of this gathering; it cancelled all travel tours to Pasargad; it laid obstructions and restrictions in the path of vehicles to Pasargad; and spread rumors extensively that Pasargad was closed and nobody could go there. The regime cut internet connections in that area since October 26, and announced to the nearby inhabitants that nobody is allowed to provide residence to the guests.

Furthermore, all routs leading to Pasargad were closed since this morning, and a big number of the regime’s intelligence agents and plain-clothed agents at the tomb and nearby streets tried to prevent people from gathering.

However, all these attempts failed to prevent this protest demonstration. Long queues of vehicles and big crowd is indication of the Iranian peoples’ anger and hatred for this anti-Iranian regime. The religious fascism ruling Iran will undoubtedly be overthrown by the solidarity of the Iranian people. This regime is unable to resist before the will of the people for achieving democracy and popular soverienty.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 28, 2016