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HomeIran News NowIran Human RightsKhamenei’s Agenda: Execution in Iran, Massacre in Gaza

Khamenei’s Agenda: Execution in Iran, Massacre in Gaza

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In the midst of the tragic scenes of violence and bloodshed unfolding in Gaza, a parallel and systematic effort is taking place in Iran, where the clerical dictatorship is orchestrating a series of large-scale executions. These state-sanctioned murders not only showcase the regime’s brutality but also highlight its willingness to use every opportunity to maintain its hold on power.

Disturbingly, the regime’s Judiciary recently authorized the execution of 25 prisoners during the month of Shahrivar (August 23- September 22). As tensions escalated in Gaza during Mehr (September 23- October 22), the tally of executions surged to a distressing 81. As of Aban month (October 23- November 21), the count stands at a chilling 106.

Contrary to official claims, the extensive use of the death penalty by the clerical regime goes beyond a dogmatic interpretation of Islamic Sharia. Instead, it serves as a tool to intimidate the oppressed population, stifle dissenting voices, and quash progressive efforts for real change.

Simultaneously, the ruling clerics in Iran have ramped up social pressure to suppress the impoverished and protesting segments of society. This intensification coincides with global attention to the severe violence and bloodshed in Gaza. Recent reports from state-run media indicate an increase in the activities of morality police, known as “hijab watchers,” enforcing new oversight at metro stations and public intersections. Physical assaults, shop closures, and hefty fines are meted out as consequences for those who abide by the suppressive regulations that are now called “the law.”

On November 7, members of the regime’s parliament approved a plan mandating government ministries to establish a system for surveilling people’s private lives. This system, labeled as “continuous monitoring and assessment of public cultural indices, people’s lifestyles, media credibility, and the country’s communication status,” marks a significant leap in gathering information about people’s lives and communications. Its primary objective is to identify government opponents.

In addition, state-run media reported the disqualification of a significant number of candidates who wanted to run for a new parliamentary seat. These decisions were made by the Ministry of Interior and dozens of sitting parliament members who openly opposed the Raisi administration were barred from participating in the upcoming elections.

Amidst these internal issues, the Iranian regime continues to instill fear regionally and internationally. Besides supporting paramilitary forces in the Middle East, it persistently develops its nuclear and missile programs.

Despite repeated warnings from Rafael Grossi, the director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), about Tehran’s non-compliance with its nuclear commitments and the failure to cooperate with the IAEA, the Iranian regime has offered no constructive response. Instead, on November 19, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s televised visit to a missile site made headlines, emphasizing their claim to be the only country in the world possessing hypersonic weapons.

While the international community has condemned Iran’s oppressive regime through various resolutions for systematic human rights violations, it is evident that there is still a substantial journey ahead to curb the actions of this tyrannical regime.

Khamenei’s regime stands as not only one of the world’s major violators of human rights but also as a leading state supporter of global terrorism. To truly address regional conflicts and champion human rights in Iran, a solution requires more than verbal condemnations. It necessitates supporting the Iranian people in their quest to bring an end to their own suffering and contribute to global peace.