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HomeIran News NowWorld News IranThursday's Iran Mini Report - June 28, 2018

Thursday’s Iran Mini Report – June 28, 2018


• Pompeo: Protesters in Iran fed up with country’s leadership

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Wednesday June 27, 2018 commented on demonstrations in Iran, saying protesters are fed up with the country’s leadership.

“The people of Iran are tired of the corruption, injustice, and incompetence from their leaders,” Pompeo said in a statement. “We condemn the government’s same futile tactics of suppression, imprisonment of protestors, and the denial of Iranians’ frustrations.”

• Iran head of judiciary threatens protesters to execution, decisive action in the face of popular uprising

Sadegh Larijani, the chief henchman of the clerical regime’s judiciary, on Tuesday, June 26, on the third day of the strike of the Bazaar and popular protests and in fear of spreading these protests, threatened the perpetrators of the “riots” of Tehran and “disrupters in the economic system” to decisive action and execution and said: “These acts have severe penalties as a disruption to the economic system of the country under the law of disturbing the country’s economic system. It has been seen that, if this is a case of corruption, the execution would be carried out and, if not, it would be 20 years’ imprisonment.”

• Fourth day of strike and protest in Tehran despite massive crackdowns

The strike of Tehran Bazaar continued for the fourth day on Wednesday, June 27th. In the Soltani bazaar, people demonstrated chanting: Zealous merchants, support, support; Do not be afraid, do not be afraid, we are all together.

The merchants in the Grand Bazaar of Tehran, the Goldsmiths’ bazaar, Chaharsoogh, Mellat Avenue, Mowlavi, Laleh Zar, and the Aladdin Mall also refused to open their shops. In Hassan Abad, people and bazaar merchants protested and chanted: We do not want inflation and high prices.

• Strike and Protest Gathering Of Railway Workers in Azerbaijan, Iran

On Wednesday, June 27, 2018, a group of railway workers from the Railway Engineering and Construction Company of Azerbaijan (Eastern Azerbaijan Province in Iran) gathered once again in protest to the expulsion of 50 of their colleagues and held a protest rally in front of the Tabriz railway station.

The railway engineering and construction company (Ballast) is a contractor of infrastructure and maintenance projects for railways and plans to expel another 150 workers in the near future.

• Iran Reopens Uranium Feedstock Plant in Preparation To Boost Enrichment

Iran has reopened a nuclear plant idle for nine years, its atomic energy agency (AEOI) said on Wednesday, as Tehran prepares to increase uranium enrichment capacity if a nuclear deal with world powers falls apart after the U.S. withdrawal.

The AEOI said on Wednesday that in response to Khamenei’s order and Trump’s renunciation of the deal, a plant for the production of UF6, the feedstock for centrifuge machines that enrich uranium, had been relaunched and a barrel of yellow cake has been delivered there.