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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – September 19, 2022

Iran News in Brief – September 19, 2022




Protests Spread to Seven and Clashes Reported with the Police in Tehran and Kurdistan

This afternoon, the people and youth of Tehran came to the streets protesting the brutal suppression and crackdown by security forces and called for “Death to Khamenei!”

Protests were also reported in Kurdistan, Alborz, Khorasan Razavi, Gilan, Ilam, and Khuzestan provinces. See reports and footage below:

In Tehran, a large crowd is marching and chanting: “Artillery, tanks and firecrackers, the clerics must get lost!”

تهران - تظاهرات مردمی با شعار توپ تانک فشفشه آخوند باید گم بشه

People in Tehran chant: “Shame on our brutish leader!”

تهران ادامه‌ی اعتراضات به قتل مهسا_امینیمرگ بر دیکتاتور

Footage shows the brave youth of Tehran turning over the vehicle of the oppressive police.

A police van is torched in Tehran by protesters.

تهران - آتش کشیدن گشت ارشاد رژیم توسط مردم و جوانان - ۲۸شهریور

Footage shows the crowd attacking a police officer in Tehran.

تهران -کتک خوردن ماموران جنایتکار خامنه ای  از مردم تهران-۲۸ شهریور

The youth torched a motorcycle of the oppressive police forces in Tehran.

In Tehran, people and mostly brave women defiantly stood up against the anti-riot police and their suppressive measures to quell protests.

میدان ولیعصر- پیشتازی زنان شجاع در مقابل وحوش سرکوبگر

In Tehran, the police and plainclothes forces were dispatched to crush down protesters.

تظاهرات مردمی در تهران و حمله وحوش خامنه‌ای به مردم بی‌دفاع

Tonight, people in Tehran chanted “Khamenei is a murderer and his rule is doomed!”

تهران - خامنه‌ای قاتله حکومتش فاسده

In the town of Dehgolan, Kurdistan province, the youth started to attack the anti-riot police who were dispatched to quell the protesters.

دهگلان - کردستان تهاجم جوانان خشمگین   به سمت وحوش خامنه ای -دوشنبه۲۸  شهریور

The people in Ahvaz, Khuzestan province, chant: “I will kill those who killed my sister”, “The clerics must get lost” and “Death to the dictator!”

اهواز - مردم شعار می‌دهند می‌کشم می‌کشم هرآنکه خواهرم کشت - ۲۸شهریور

In Karaj, Alborz province, the people chanted: “We are all Mahsa, so let’s fight!”

گوهر دشت کرج  - بجنگ تا بجنگیم -۲۸ شهریور

Reports from the city of Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi, indicate that the people have taken to the streets and protest the murder of Mahsa Amini and the inhuman practices of the brutal regime in Iran.

مشهد - اعتراض علیه قتل مهسا امینی - ۲۸شهریور

The people in the city of Ilam, Ilam province, joined the protest and chanted “I will kill those who killed my sister!”

تظاهرات مردم ایلام در اعتراض به قتل مهسا امینی

Footage shows the people in the city of Rasht, Gilan province, also joined the nationwide protests and called for the death of the dictator.

رشت اعتراضات به قتل مهسا_امینی در رشت خیابان معلم


Universities in Tehran Rise Up on the Third Day of Protests Following Murder of Mahsa Amini

Today, September 19, students in Tehran rallied and protested the murder of Mahsa Amini by the brutal forces of the so-called morality police. According to the latest reports, the students of Amir Kabir University (Polytechnic), Allameh Tabatabai University, University of Arts, Tarbiat Modares University, and Beheshti University gathered on the campus to call out the entire ruling clergy for the atrocities.

Students of Beheshti University in Tehran marched and chanted: “Years-long of atrocities, down with this rule”, “We sacrificed 1500 people in November 2019” and “I will kill whoever killed my sister!”

دانشجویان دانشگاه موسوم به  بهشتی دراعتراض به کشته شدن مهسا امینی -۲۸ شهریور

Students of Amirkabir University in Tehran protested and chanted: “Students rather die but won’t tolerate disgrace!”

دانشجویان دانشگاه امیرکبیر دراعتراض به کشته شدن مهسا امینی  با شعار« دانشجو می میرد -ذلت نمی پذیرد»

Students of Tarbiat Modares University in Tehran marched and chanted: “Freedom is our right and will be achieved by the power of our collective!”

دانشجویان دانشگاه تربیت مدرس با شعار  «رهایی حق ماست  قدرت ما جمع ماست» - ۲۸ شهریور

Students of the Tehran University chanted: “I will kill whoever killed my sister!”

دانشگاه تهران در اعتراض به قتل مهسا  امینی با شعار«می‌کشم می‌کشم هرآنکه خواهرم کشت

Students of the Tehran University chanted: “Shame on the brutish police!”

پیوستن دانشجویان دانشگاه تهران    با شعار«ننگ ما، ننگ ما، پلیس الدنگ ما» - ۲۸ شهریور

Students of Amirkabir (Polytechnic) University chanted: “Death to the dictator!”

دانشگاه پلی‌‌تکنیک امیرکبیر -  شعار مرگ بر دیکتاتور -۲۸ شهریور

Students of Amirkabir (Polytechnic) University chanted: “Death with the Basij!”

مرگ بر بسیجی. دانشگاه امیرکبیر اعتراضات به قتل مهسا_امینی

The savage forces of the paramilitary Basij attacked the protesting students of Amirkabir (Polytechnic) University

حمله وحوش بسیجی به دانشجویان به پاخاسته دانشگاه پلی تکنیک - ۲۸ شهریور


Cities in Kurdistan Go On Stike, Protesting Murder of Mahsa Amini

On Monday, September 19, responding to a public call to protest the murder of Mahsa Amini by the Iranian regime, a state-wide strike has begun in the cities of Kurdistan. So far, several reports from local sources indicate strikes in the markets of Saqqez, Mahabad, Sanandaj, Oshnavieh, Bukan, Marivan, Baneh, Sardasht, Piranshahr, Urmia, and Javanrud.

According to local accounts, local authorities have threatened merchants to seal their businesses in case they join the strike. But the brave people and business owners in these cities defiantly chose to disregard the warnings.

Footage from Piranshahr, Kurdistan province, shows that shops and stores have closed down today.

پیرانشهر- اعتصاب مغازه داران  به قتل مهسا امینی -۲۸ شهریور

Footage from Bukan, Kurdistan province, shows that shops and stores have closed down today.

بوکان - اعتصاب مغازه داران  به قتل مهسا امینی -۲۸ شهریور

Footage from Baneh, Kurdistan province, shows that shops and stores have closed down today.

بانه- اعتصاب مغازه داران  به قتل مهسا امینی -۲۸ شهریور

Footage from Mariwan, Kurdistan province, shows that shops and stores have closed down today.

مریوان - اعتصاب مغازه داران  به قتل مهسا امینی -۲۸ شهریور

Footage from the Mahabad Bazaar, Kurdistan province, shows that shops and stores have closed down today.

مهاباد - اعتصاب  مغازه داران  در اعتراض به قتل مهسا امینی -۲۸ شهریور

Footage from Saqqez, Kurdistan province, shows that shops and stores have closed down today.

سقز- اعتصاب مغازه داران  در اعتراض به قتل مهسا امینی

Footage from Oshnavieh, Kurdistan province, shows that shops and stores have closed down today.

اشنویه - اعتصاب سراسری در شهرهای کردستان در اعتراض به‌قتل حکومتی مهسا امینی


Iranians Conduct Worldwide Activism to Condemn the Murder of Mahsa Amini

Iranians and supporters of the Iranian resistance in Sweden and Australia organized rallies on September 18 to condemn the murder of Mahsa Amini, the latest victim of the Iranian regime and its president who is traveling to New York to lecture the international community on human rights and religious prosperity.

تجمع ایرانیان آزاده و هواداران مقاومت ایران در یوتوبوری سوئد در محکومیت قتل مهسا امینی

تجمع ایرانیان آزاده و هواداران مقاومت ایران در سیدنی استرالیا در محکومیت قتل جنایتکارانه مهسا امینی

Iranians Across Europe & NY Condemn Mahsa Amini’s Killing by Mullahs’ Regime


Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held rallies in numerous cities in Europe, New York, and Toronto on Saturday condemning the killing of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman who was beaten by the regime’s “morality police” and died of severe brain damage on Friday. The gatherings of MEK supporters also called on the U.S. administration to deny a visa for Iranian regime President Ebrahim Raisi for next week’s United Nations General Assembly.

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Murder of Mahsa Amini Incites Protest at Tehran University


Students at Tehran University marched to protest the cold-hearted murder of Mahsa Amini by state agents of the so-called Guidance Patrol. Girl students widely participated in the frontline of the protest on the campus of Tehran University.

Tehran University student protest on Sunday, September 18, 2022, followed angry protests in Saqqez and Sanandaj the night before.

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Outraged Over the Killing of Mahsa Amini, Iranians Chant “Death to Dictator” in Street Protests


The killing of 22-years-old Mahsa Amini by the Iranian regime’s morality police was not the first act of brutality by the regime, nor will it be the last.

Mahsa Amini, who had traveled to Tehran with her family from Saqqez, western Iran, was arrested at Haqqani metro station on the evening of September 22. She was with her brother when she was arrested. According to their relatives, security forces manhandled Kiaresh Amini, Mahsa’s brother, who tried to prevent her arrest. They told her brother that Mahsa would be released “after an hour of orientation class and after she signs a pledge.”

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Supporters of the Iranian Resistance in Different Countries of the World Protested the Brutal Murder of Mahsa Amini by the Mullahs’ Regime

Iranian Resistance Supporters in Different Countries Protested the Brutal Murder of Mahsa Amini

September 17, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in different countries protested against the brutal murder of Mahsa Amini by the mullahs’ regime. These protest rallies were held in Oslo, Stockholm, Berlin, Cologne, Hamburg, Stuttgart, Paris, and Vienna.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – September 18, 2022