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MEK Resistance Units Spread Message of Hope and Resistance in Iran

MEK Resistance Units Spread Message of Hope and Resistance in Iran
A sample of activities the MEK Resistance Units inside Iran.

Reports and footages from Iran indicate the activities by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK)Resistance Units” is expending daily across Iran. From Wednesday, July 1, to Saturday, July 4, the MEK’s Resistance Units organized activities in Tehran and numerous other cities including: Isfahan, Shiraz, Qom, Ahvaz, Gorgan, Andimeshk, Khorramabad, Nishapur, Amol, Qazvin, Karaj, and Hamadan, calling for regime change and in support of the Iranian Resistance movement.  

The MEK’s Resistance Units not only spread the message of hope across Iran, they also broke the atmosphere of fear and oppression and kept the flame of Resistance ablaze.   

In this regard, in an article the MEK  wrote: Iranian Resistance leader Massoud Rajavi based his strategy on ‘resistance units’ inside Iran, with the objective of establishing units inside the society and forming a bond between the files of this revolution with the ranks seen in the central core of this movement, being the PMOI/MEK.”   

“Maryam Rajavi; we are waiting for you” MEK network in Iran

The MEK’s Resistance Units role, as organized units across Iran, is to impact events on the ground and guide the Iranian people’s uprising toward freedom and the regime’s downfall. The Iranian regime’s 40 years of plundering national wealth, oppressing Iranian society, wrong economic policies and prioritizing its export of terrorism and unpatriotic nuclear and missile programs over the Iranian people’s lives and well-being has turned the Iranian society into a powder keg. The two nationwide Iran protests in November 2019, with over 1,500 martyrs, and January 2020, as well as people’s unprecedented boycott of the regime’s sham Parliamentary elections in February are strong indicators of the Iranian society’s restiveness.  Now the COVID-19 pandemic and the regime’s mismanagement of this crisis, which has resulted in nearly 70,000 deaths across Iran, has even increased the Iranian society’s explosiveness. The regime’s state-run media and officials particularly warn about the “post-coronavirus” situation. In this regard, Ahmad Naderi, one of the regime’s officials, told the state-run Resalat daily on March 7: “I am worried about the social and security outcome of this crisis. Soon, rebellions, much larger than the ones in 2018 and 2019 and certainly much larger than the ones in the 1990s, will happen.”  

The regime’s real concern is about its imminent downfall. They are particularly terrified of the role of the MEK’s Resistance Units.  Frustrated with years of oppression, Iranian youth are rapidly joining the MEK’s Resistance Units. A glance at some remarks of the regime’s officials confirms the MEK Resistance Units impact on the Iranian society and the regime’s utter fear of them.  

The most recent and important remarks, confirming the MEK’s leading role in Iran, belong to the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. On Sunday, May 17, in a video conference with his thugs disguised as “students,” Khamenei said: “Do not allow your protests to be viewed as protests against the Islamic system; the enemy is waiting for this. Sometimes, you may assume that you are protesting the issue of the stock exchange or Pride [an automobile brand produced locally]. But depending on the way you protest, the enemy views or implies it as a protest against the system. You must seriously prevent this from happening and not allow the enemy to have an opportunity to make such an assumption because of your protest or imply to others that this is a protest against the system.” Khamenei added: “It would be good if you be at the forefront of demands. If you stop leading in this arena, then others may take the lead whose aim is not to resolve the people’s difficulties but who are aiming to fight against Islam and the Islamic Republic. Do not allow that. In other words, this must not happen.” 

The regime has recently arrested two elite students for allegedly supporting the MEK, along with 18 others, who were identified by the MEK on May 5.  Fearing youths’ attraction to the MEK, Khamenei pleaded for his officials to “go and speak with students at the universities” and repeat the regime’s allegations against the MEK, in order to desperately prevent youth from supporting the MEK. Khamenei said: “Places of gathering for young people, including universities, have been the target of two major evils: passivity and deviation. In the early days of the revolution, we had some young people who believed in Islam…. They were attracted to the MEK… And joined their path.” In a clear edict to suppress the MEK and dissidents, Khamenei added: “Expand the revolutionary front. Recruit. Of course, I do not mean the MEK, the non-believers … I do not recommend that we appease those who do not accept the foundations of the revolution, cast doubt on its foundations, promote the enemy, and put us on the wrong path. Not at all. You must deal with them explicitly and strongly… They (the enemy) also work on our youth and try to exploit them and are planning for this.” 

“The mullahs must go; sovereignty belongs to the Iranian people”: MEK Resistance Units

Prior to this, on November 17, days after the nationwide Iran protests, Khamenei said: “In the course of such incidents, usually thugs, spiteful individuals, and unsavory people enter the scene. … You see that over the past two days, the two nights and one day, in which these incidents happened, all the world’s centers of evil have encouraged these actions against us. From the evil and wicked family of the Pahlavi dynasty to the wicked and criminal collective of the MEK, they are constantly encouraging and inviting people on social networks and elsewhere to conduct these evil acts.” 

The state-run Fars News agency quoted Hossein Ashtari, the Commander of State Security Forces (SSF), on November 17 as saying: “Our investigations show that behind the scenes, anti-revolutionary organizations and the MEK led these movements. The country’s security and law enforcement entities have identified these individuals, and God willing, they will be punished for their actions at the right time.” 

The state-run Afkar News website wrote on November 20: “The detainees are in some shape or form tied to the MEK and foreign elements. They received the necessary training over the last two years to carry out these actions.” 

As the regime reaches its end and the possibility of a nationwide uprising looms, the role of the MEK’s Resistance Units becomes more important in fulfilling the Iranian people’s longtime wish for freedom and democracy 

The Iranian Resistance’s “Free Iran Global Summit” will be held on July 17 to support the MEK Resistance Units and risen people of Iran. The international community should stand with the Iranian people and their organized Resistance in the struggle for freedom and democracy and support the activities of the MEK’s Resistance Units and the viable alternative to the mullahs’ regime.