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Iran News in Brief – February 19, 2024

iranian resistance supporters Feb 2024



Monday Protests in Iran

Today, in various cities across Iran, retired employees of the Telecommunication Company of Iran (TCI) resumed their weekly protest rallies, demanding higher pensions and other basic needs that the regime has denied them.

In Tehran, the capital city of Iran, retired TCI employees assembled for their weekly protest rally, continuing to demand improved pensions and essential rights from the regime.

In Ahvaz, southwest Iran, retirees of TCI gathered to voice their grievances, emphasizing the need for increased pensions to meet their living expenses.

Similarly, in Tabriz, northwest Iran, retirees of TCI persisted in their weekly protests, calling attention to the regime’s disregard for their demands for higher pensions in accordance with the law.

Retirees in Sanandaj, western Iran, echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the necessity of higher pensions to ensure a decent standard of living in their retirement years.

Kermanshah, also in western Iran, witnessed retired TCI employees renewing their weekly protests, underscoring the regime’s negligence towards their legitimate demands for increased pensions.

In Arak, central Iran, retirees of TCI gathered in front of the provincial office of TCI, reiterating their calls for the implementation of a 2010 law that mandates adjustments to pensions in line with the costs of living.

Similarly, in Ardebil, northwest Iran, retirees of TCI rallied, demanding higher pensions and other basic needs that have been denied to them by the regime.

The retirees’ persistent protests across multiple cities underscore the widespread discontent among retired TCI employees and the urgency to address their legitimate demands for higher pensions and essential rights.

State Official Emphasizes Importance of Trial Against PMOI Members to Influence School Students

iran mohammad hossein pourthani

Mohammad-Hossein Pourthani Deputy of Education and Culture at the Ministry of Education said, “The convening of the court to try the hypocrites is the best opportunity to highlight the PMOI’s actions for students.”

Pourthani further discussed a program aimed at engaging over 50,000 student groups, initiated by the Khattam al-Anbiya HQ in collaboration with the Ministry of Education.

Acknowledging the PMOI’s influence on Iran’s younger generations, Pourthani emphasized, “If the court proceedings include education and a clear presentation of the PMOI’s activities, it will significantly impact public opinion. This is an ideal moment to educate students about the Mujahideen’s actions, especially those who were not yet born during these events. It’s crucial to capitalize on this opportunity.”


Iranian Regime Intensifies Internet Restrictions and Activist Arrests

internet censorship in Iran

Recent reports from Iran indicate that state entities have simultaneously disrupted the functioning of VPNs while putting pressure on activists in recent days.

The new restrictions imposed on the use of VPN software have decreased the speed and quality of users’ internet access. Experts in the field attribute the main responsibility for these disruptions to the Telecommunications Infrastructure Company.

The state-run Shargh newspaper emphasized in a report that the restrictions on the performance of filtering protocols began about 10 days ago and have had severe effects on internet quality in the country.

In recent days, various reports have also been circulated about the arrest of some internet freedom activists by Iranian security forces. These activists have been attempting in recent months to facilitate citizens’ free access to the internet by developing and freely distributing tools to circumvent internet censorship in Iran. Following news of their arrest, their accounts on X became inaccessible.

In December of last year, the Judiciary deliberately announced its intention to punish unauthorized sellers and distributors of circumvention tools based on Article 753 of the Islamic Penal Code.

US Military Reports 1st Houthi Unmanned Underwater Vessel in Red Sea

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The U.S. military conducted five self-defense strikes in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen on Saturday, including one against an unmanned underwater vessel, U.S. Central Command said Sunday.

Saturday’s incident marked the first observed Houthi use of an unmanned underwater vessel since attacks in the Red Sea region started in October, CENTCOM said.

The military on Saturday between 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. local time also conducted self-defense strikes against three mobile anti-ship cruise missiles and an unmanned surface vessel. CENTCOM “determined they presented an imminent threat to U.S. Navy ships and merchant vessels in the region,” the military said in a news release. “These actions will protect freedom of navigation and make international waters safer and more secure for U.S. Navy and merchant vessels.”

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Jordanian Border Guards Foil Drug Smuggling Operation and Kill and Injure Nine Smugglers

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Five smugglers linked to the Lebanese Hezbollah were killed and four others were injured by the Jordanian border guards while attempting to foil a smuggling operation from Syrian territory.

According to reliable SOHR sources, the smugglers were attempting to smuggle narcotics towards Jordan, where armed clashes erupted between both sides.

The Jordanian authorities continue their operations to pursue drug dealers and combat drug smuggling operations from Syrian territory towards Jordan through routes used for smuggling by smugglers linked to the Lebanese Hezbollah.

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Corruption in Iran’s Majlis Exposed Ahead of Parliamentary Elections

Majlis corruption ghalibaf

A recent batch of leaked documents from the servers of the Iranian regime’s Majlis (parliament) has shed light on the corruption in the regime’s legislative branch, including the astronomical salaries that members of the Majlis receive. These revelations have sparked a wave of social anger and disgust. The fear of the social consequences of this scandal has sparked a new crisis within the regime, and the ruling mafia gangs are in jeopardy. The regime’s propaganda machine is making frantic efforts to deny or downplay the leaked documents. However, their efforts have only exacerbated the outrage and hatred of the people.

The Majlis’s public relations department has taken the initiative to publish a manipulated list of salaries for the members of Majlis for April 2023, attempting to conceal the truth by obfuscating the payment details and total earnings of each representative. Nezameddin Mousavi, the spokesperson for the Majlis presidium, claimed “These numbers are not accurate, and the amount of representatives’ salaries is within the customary and legal limits… The payment to representatives is approximately 250 million rials.”

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Arghavan Fallahi and Parvin Mirasan Detained in Limbo after 15 Months

Arghavan Fallahi Nasim Gholami min

Three political prisoners affiliated with the PMOI, namely Arghavan Fallahi, Parvin Mirasan, and Nasim Gholami Simiyari, are currently detained in a state of limbo at the women’s ward of Evin Prison. Arghavan Fallahi and Parvin Mirasan have been detained in limbo for 15 months since their arrest. They were apprehended along with Arghavan Fallahi’s father and brother by security forces on November 4, 2022, during protests in Isfahan, central Iran.

Arghavan Fallahi is facing charges of disseminating “propaganda against the state,” “committing crimes against internal and external security,” and “being a member of opposition groups.”

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Munich, Feb 17, 2024: On the 2nd Day, Iranians and MEK Supporters Rally at #MSC2024, Demanding Firm Policy Towards Iran’s Regime and IRGC Terrorist Designation

Munich, Feb 17, 2024: Iranians, MEK Supporters Rally at #MSC2024, Demanding Firm Policy Towards Iran

Munich, Germany—Feb 17, 2024: During the second day of the Munich Security Conference, freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) held a rally in front of the conference venue, calling for the adoption of a decisive policy against the Iranian regime as the main source of war and crisis in the Middle East.

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Berkeley, California—February 16, 2024: MEK Supporters Organized an Exhibition in Support of the Iranian Revolution

iranian resistance Berkeley Feb 16 2024

Berkeley, California—February 16, 2024: Members of the Iranian-American Community of Northern California organized an exhibition and info desk at the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley) to support the Iranian Revolution.

Freedom-loving Iranians in north California said: “ Setting up once more at @UCBerkeley today, our committed volunteers are rallying support for the cause of #FreeIran2024. We firmly believe in the inherent right of the Iranian people to confront the ruling dictatorship and its #IRGC.”

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – February 18, 2023