NCRI – The people of Australia are committed to supporting the people of Iran in their quest for democracy, freedom and human rights, Pastor Brian Medway, Senior Pastor of Grace Canberra, told a grand Ramadan conference in Paris on July 3.
Brian and Nola Medway travelled from the Australian capital to attend the conference in Paris which promoted respect among religions. Iranian opposition leader Mrs. Maryam Rajavi was the keynote speaker.
Below are highlights from Brian and Nola Medway’s remarks at the Ramadan conference:
Brian and Nola Medway – Paris, July 3, 2015
Brian Medway: Madam Rajavi, we are privileged to be here from Australia. We have followed and walked this journey with the PMOI since 1993 in Australia and because it was a joy to come together, my wife and I this year I wanted her to say what’s inside of her heart to you.
Nola Medway: I am a mother of four children and eight beautiful grandchildren. If one of my grandchildren came to me and said, “Grandma, what is a real religion and what is a false or fundamentalist religion?” I think I could say it really simply, I would say does your religion cause you to love people? Does your religion give you peace and joy? Does your religion make you want to help people and be kind to people? And if they said yes I would say that’s a true religion. I said to them does your religion make you hate? Does it make you want to kill? Does it make you tread on people because they’re not like you? Does your religion make you want to hurt people? Then I would say that is not a true religion and really for me it’s that simple but I just have one last thing to say. Our Iranian friends have caused us many tears and that I pray to God that our tears will become rejoicing when Iran is a free and democratic country.
Brian Medway: We have no understanding of the cost of being here tonight. We stand in the stead of hundreds of thousands of people who have believed for something better, not for themselves but for the people they belong to and tonight we belong to them and tonight we belong to each other and if I’m not mistaken I believe what we have in this building tonight is the beginning of a new age of humanity. It’s my understanding that humanity is never seen across all the divides; racial, gender, ethnic tribal and religious. It’s not seen people, give equal respect and equal love and return equal respect and equal love and I’ve seen this tonight.
I come from Australia, I’m a follower of the honorable Jesus Messiah and I’ve served Him for 47 years in Australia but this gathering I belong to everything that is here tonight and I speak for many, many, many Australian people who want to keep on raising their voices, using their hands, placing their feet in a place where we will see the tyranny of fascist religion overcome by the strength and the hearts of loving, forgiving, kind people who want to live in their homes, raise their families, work with their hands and make this world a place worth living in. That’s why I’m here and that’s what we believe in. Thank you very much.
If I could just foreclose with saying one short blessing, may the God Almighty bless our hearts with strength and resolve, may He bless our wills with strength to stand as long as it takes, as long as we must to see His will visit upon all people especially tonight we think of the people in Camp Liberty who are heroes of this cause. May God bless them and bless us with them and bless the great nation of Iran and the Middle East. God bless you.